No, not yet, still working on it? No worries, keep walking, it ain't over till it's over.
So what is the point of this blog? I will tell you. While you have been working on you, God has been blessing you, He has been moving you forward, He has opened doors, introduced people into your life, and done a whole host of other things that are too wonderful and numerous to name. You, monster are moving out of your Between time situation and into your After. (quick note her there will always be a between time in your life, right now you may be dealing with several Betweens, between jobs, between relationships, between well you get the point) As you enter the after stage you will begin building, building a new life, a new career, a new relationship, a new mindset, I don't know, the point is your building something. If you ever saw a house being built you know the first thing that is dug is the foundation. The foundation is the core. It is what all else is built upon. Without a good foundation, a strong foundation, a well planned and built foundation the house will fall. The same goes for you monster. Whatever your building for yourself will fail without a good foundation.
If you have been paying any attention to this blog, you know I always go on about reading the Bible, getting that Word deep down into you, I also nag you about praying and praising, going to church, and listening to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. The Word, Praying and Praising, Church and the Holy Spirit's Guidance are the cornerstones of your foundation. I don't recommend building anything without these things in place. You can try, but chances are that if you do you will end up back in a between time experience, probably worse off then you were before. Not to beat a dead horse, but its not enough to give lip service to God, you got to put the things He tells you into practice, everyday. Luke 6:47-49 clearly lays out what to expect when you don't. "As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.” Build your foundation, monster, that way when your blessings come and you begin building you will have something that lasts.
Here is what it looks like monster. You have been working on you and you have been praying for God to send you the right man, a man that you could marry, build a life with. Suddenly you find yourself with a guy, he is great, he seems to be all you prayed for what do you do? Some of us are tempted to throw away all the promises, the hard work, and the foundation that we have built and jump all in. How do you proceed with this relationship? You said you would not have sex until marriage, do you keep that promise, you said that any man in your life would have to be a Christian, share your faith, and be a man seeking God, do you turn a blind eye when He stops going to church? In your walk you have been dealing with being honest, having integrity, putting God first, do you look the other way when you catch him in a lie, when he is less then what he should be, when he would rather not go to church, pray or even know if he really believes in God. In building this relationship what is your foundation? Is it built on rock or is it shifting sand, changing and moving every time the wind blows something new into your life. Are you willing to build a relationship on this foundation?
A rule of thumb to remember is God will never bless you with something that brings you grief. When God makes a promise He keeps it, He doesn't need your help to make it happen. Remember Abraham. He wanted a son, God promised him one, He got tired of waiting and produced Ishmael. That opened a whole can of worms, read your Bible. If He had waited on God, waited on his Issac blessing he could have saved a lot of people heartache, including himself. So monster the question you want to ask yourself is, does what you are trying to build fit on your foundation? If it doesn't, if you have to compromise your foundation it is not your blessing, it is a distraction. You can build with the distraction and get an Ishmael or you can wait and put the right blessing on your foundation ( I promise it will fit) and have an Issac. I'm just saying, choose wisely monster, build your foundation on the Rock.