I have never met this man, I have never had the pleasure of his company, he never knew that there was a young girl growing up just outside Chicago who loved all things purple because she loved all things Prince. Isn't it funny how that happens how we come to love those we have never truly known, how they touch our lives in our most secret moments and leave traces of their presence across the landscape of our lives. How through their talent and gifts they forge a connection that they will never know they made.
You might not ever be famous, but you change the world in just this way. You reach people, you leave footprints on their life, you touch each and every life you come across, sometimes not always for the good. We are all connected in this life, we leave an imprint on this world, we touch the lives of perfect strangers, what do you want your imprint to be?
The beautiful weather contradicting my emotions serves to illustrate that life goes on. Despite the loss of his physical presence in this world his music, his legacy will continue to leave an imprint on everyone who experiences it. What will your legacy leave? Will you have been a bright light in someone's otherwise dismal day? Will your random smile change the outcome of a situation, will someone look at your life and be inspired?

It is so easy to get caught up in the trials and tribulations of your life, to be so focused on what is going on with yourself that you ignore everything else around you. The gift of life is a precious and fleeting gift. It is not enough to survive this life, but to celebrate the gift of life.
As a Christian we are meant to be an army, occupying a dark world. We are to be the light and the salt, you can't do that when your focus is on yourself. Today, monster, make a point of celebrating life. Look beyond your current circumstances and be the joy, the light, the smile the celebration that brings some light into this gloomy world.
Celebrate monster, Celebrate