Wow monsters, I can't believe it has been a year! Well I am dusting off my blog and rebooting it. I have missed you guys so much hopefully you have been missing me too. If not oh well suck it up I am back monsters.

In life we must constantly evolve, we change, we fit into new roles, we create new lives, we grow. Well some of us do anyway. Some of us only change when life forces us to, we go kicking and screaming, we look back and gaze at who we were, what we used to do, who we used to be, we stand there so long we become pillars of salt, We become Lot's wife, rooted forever, staring back at a life that we should have joyfully moved on from. You know what I am talking about monster,
you are the one forever posting old highschool pics on throwback thursday, you look in the mirror and remember when you were younger, thinner, taller, shorter, whatever. You start every convo with remember when, you, monster, are stuck.

You might be looking at your life and wondering what if.... what if i took that job,,,, what if I hadn't moved...what if i had tried to work it out with_____________ what if what if what if. Maybe that is not you, maybe you were perfectly happy with your life until life happened. Maybe you lost your job, your home, your loved one. Maybe you just had a birthday, a baby, a wedding, a funeral, and your wondering what now. Maybe you are having a crisis seriously looking at your life and wondering what the heck happened and how did I get here. Maybe you are looking at your life and worrying that everyone else seems light years ahead of you, are happier then you, richer then you, more successful etc.
If any of these are the case you are in danger monster. In danger of turning into that pillar of salt, hardened, unmoveable, and ultimately left behind.
Don't be left behind, instead leave your past behind you. There is no magic potion or time machine, we can't go backwards and why should we. Everything you need you have, right here and right now. You have the power to change your life, change your outlook, change your mind and you have the power to move forward. Most importantly you have the power to look forward to your life with joy and not fear. Ugh there is that word again fear, FEAR is what is keeping you in the place your are. It makes you look back instead of forward, it tells you that you are too old, too young, too inexperienced, too experienced, too poor, too rich, too too too too too too too it can go on forever. You need to look fear in the face and tell it the TRUTH. The truth is you are Too BLESSED, TOO ANOINTED, TOO COVERED IN GRACE to stay imprisoned by the past.
Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." No where in the Bible does it advice us to worry about our past, no where does it tell us that we are stuck in the roles others have written for us or the roles we have written for ourselves. Even Jesus tells us to look forward (Luke 9:62) He says no man who puts his hand to the plow and then looks behind is fit for the Kingdom of God. Now I know your not farmers, monster,( well some of you might be, who am I to say your not,) but all this is saying is look forward, run your race, stay on your path. Life happens to us all. Not to break us but to strengthen us, to teach us wisdom to give us new outlooks, to better us not bitter us. It is ok to let your past go. To redefine yourself, to change your mind, to try new things, to open new doors, to boldly go where no man has gone before,,,,,
You get the point. Today monster look at who you used to be, give her a hug, thank her for all her hard work and put her to bed. It is time to get up and live today and forge a new future.
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