Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hush your mouth....Keep It To Yourself Sweetie

Happy Tuesday Monsters, my the days are flying by. Time seems to be on fast forward when you have things to do in the Between. I did not even notice the days passing in the Before. I could spend hours doing absolutely nothing at all. Oh well you may have found that all the time that you have been spending alone, has given you a whole new outlook on life. You have been reading your Bible, self help books, inspirational posters, and cruising the online shoe shopping options. ( Well I have been doing that) In the course of all this work you have been doing on yourself you have had some AHA moments. I hope you have. You are learning more about yourself, you are learning about others and you have immersed yourself in Wisdom.

    If you have been spending anytime at all with your thoughts God has revealed some Truths to you. Life changing, soul shaking, healing truths. You are excited. You have found a fount of wisdom you can see clearly. You can breathe freely, laugh loudly, and you want to share all that you have learned. It is so tempting to share all that your learning, all your revelations about yourself, relationships, your job, motherhood whatever it is you have been working on. You can't wait to tell all your girls all the things you have learned about men and relationships, you want to snatch the Coke bottle out of the three year old's mouth, only its not your three year old. You want to practice your new interview skills out on everyone you meet. Sweetie you are excited. You are ready to share. Don't

It is called a Revelation for a reason. God has revealed something formally hidden to you. For your benefit. It  is best to keep it to yourself. Unless you have been given the Grace, and Direction to share it.(This is why it is so important to spend time alone. To learn your voice, God's Voice, and that voice that creeps in to steer you wrong.) I am trying to save you some hurt feelings. I didn't start this blog until now because I didn't feel the Urge to share while I was going through. It was revealed to me by a loving sister that perhaps it would be good to share my story.  Even though it wasn't a burning bush, her suggestion felt right in my spirit, so here I am writing and hopefully your still reading.  Let me reveal to you why you should keep mum.

Nobody wants to hear it! Yup I said it. The Truth may set you free, but it will alienate your friends. I know you mean well, I know they may have asked for advice, but really they don't want it. They want you to agree with them. Truth is worthless if a person is not ready to accept it. Remember that episode on Sex In The City  when Miranda went around town telling women that the guy they were complaining about "was just not that into you". Well she was all excited about her new found truth but the women she shared it with...not so much. This is how your friends feel when they come to you with a problem and you give them the Truth. They know the facts of a situation, they may want a solution, but perhaps the truth may be a little much for them to deal with. After all it is your revelation. Not theirs.

Another reason you may want to keep silent is that in the Between you are in a raw state. Everything about you has been stripped away, to be replaced, cleaned, or thrown away. You have not yet learned how to take the truths you have been blessed with and deliver them gently. You just want to blurt them out, after all they are profound, soul shaking, and life changing. Your audience, however, is not in the same place as you. Your loving attempt at sharing what your learning can come off as callous and insensitive. Thus keep it to yourself.

The final reason to keep your mouth shut is that the majority of people you may share this Truth with are simply not able or in a place to receive it. Remember not that long ago, you were not in a place to receive it so have a little empathy. Still feel the urge to share, read proverbs. I love you guys and I am done for the day it is almost 100 out here I am going to the pool, and that monster is the Truth.